Excavations at Gird-i Shamlu
A Late Chalcolithic and Bronze Age Settlement in the Shahrizor Plain

The Late Chalcolithic

Excavations in Sector 4 revealed a Late Chalcolithic (first half of the 4th millennium BCE building level, which had become visible as a result of the exceptionally high water level of the Darband-i Khan in winter 2015/2016. Excavations in this area revealed several rooms of at least two mud-brick buildings. These buildings were destroyed by a severe fire. Burnt wall collapse was found in all rooms. The largest room excavated appears to have served as grain storage. Several kilograms of charred seeds were retrieved from the burnt debris that filled the room and provided solid an abundance of high-quality 14C-dates that correspond well with the LC 3/Middle Uruk artefacts discovered in this context. Interestingly, the grain and related artefacts appear to have been distributed over two layers within the burnt debris. This may indicate two things:

  1. A roof or second storey covered the room
  2. Grain was processed and/or stored in the upper storey or on the roof.
Burnt building remains in Sector 4.